A Tiny And Colorful Literary Journal

Archive for July, 2015

July, 2015

Wrap Me Up by S. Kay

The bot-written fake email is so touching, a spear-phishing campaign
nets a 15% click rate on hot malware links. People see hope in new

S. Kay writes one tweet at a time. Her debut book “Reliant” is
available for preorder at tNY.Press/reliant. Follow her at

Blue in your Face by Gary Treible

Shoes, socks, and the remote control lie on the crest of the dam.  The sun shines through the dryness of September, yet the water rises.

Gary Treible is from a place that doesn’t exist any more.  Seeking more substantial accommodation, he now lives in the Pennsylvania heartland surrounded by acres of Peppermint Patties, barbells, and pad mounted heat pumps.  His writing focuses mainly on short works such as lists, errata sheets, addenda, marginal notes, and greeting card platitudes.  He recently submitted a work to a web site.

High Roller by Rachel Dull

Steph agreed Brendan’s smoking jacket with a pocket for his vaporizer made him “classy as shit”, so she spent his weed money on toilet paper.

Rachel Dull is a professional data manager, classic over-thinker, and zealous friend. She is currently working on a novel by continually distracting herself with the quicker gratification of flash fiction.

Rose Bowl by J. Donnelly
He’s standing by the jukebox now, directly under the championship photo. Still, nobody recognizes Todd from his glory days.  All he wants is a drink.
J. Donnelly lives and writes in Astoria, NY. His chapbook on Amazon singles is called The ECW. Thank you for reading.

Yellow Brick Road by Michelle Wallace

Voicemail yet again.

Cut the call.

Dump the peace offering.

Wind scatters hundreds of marigold petals.


Pop a load of pills.

Road to oblivion…

Michelle Wallace is a writer-in-the-making, on a never-ending journey… a flash fiction junkie!

She blogs at http://writer-in-transit.co.za/

Two pieces by Madeline Mora-Summonte

Coming Up Roses

Her grave, like the assault, is done in haste. She fights for life, shoving her fingers up through the dirt, seedlings desperate for the sun.

Reflecting Pool

Lisa stares into the puddle. Her face is dirty and mean, just like Mama’s love. She stomps the water, sends teardrops of herself everywhere, nowhere.

Madeline Mora-Summonte reads, writes and breathes fiction in all its forms. She is the author of THE PEOPLE WE USED TO BE: A Flash Fiction Collection.

Burnt Orange by Luke Silver

“Why?” I ask.
He extends his arm and shows me blistered skin that pusses like Jell-O.
“Because I’d rather feel pain then nothing at all.”
Luke Silver is a Los Angeles native living in a shoebox in New York City. He has a blackbelt in Kung Fu and a very limited sense of smell. His work has been published elsewhere. He can be found on twitter @LUKEABRASSI.

Two pieces by Trudy Utterly

Congeniality is My Middle Name

Big grotesque faces. That’s what I see all day. They have spit on the corners of their mouths. “Keep the customer satisfied!” I tell myself.

Two pieces by Trudy Utterly

I Saw…U Saw…We Saw…Warsaw

There had to be over two hundred eyes in The Old Town Market Place that summer’s day. Yours were the only ones that were blue.

Trudy Utterly collects words, letters and punctuation marks by night, occasionally an umlaut or two, and by morning has stacked them into neat little stories in her head. Usually, by early evening, she sticks them to paper. When she is not checking her dots and tittles, she is performing in musicals in the kitchen, painting pictures on the bedroom ceiling or composing symphonies in the bathtub.

Ski Teal We Drop by Georgene Smith Goodin
You’re the daredevil; I’m the audience.
I sip cider by the fire. You lie in snow, lips blue, neck broken.
Your poles snapped as planned.
Georgene Smith Goodin’s work has appeared in Alligator Juniper, After the Pause and Every Day Fiction. She has won the Mash Stories flash fiction competition and regularly competes in The Moth StorySLAMS. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, the cartoonist Robert Goodin, and their two dogs, Toaster and Idget. Follow her @gsmithgoodin.
Twp pieces by Joanna M. Weston
Blue Lagoon
dive me down among octopus
weaving through coral
catch a swordfish by the tail
swing by sharks before breakfast
then let me bask in sunlight


crown me with rubies and diamonds
with earrings of emeralds
necklace of sapphires and gold
a dress embroidered with pearls
but make my shoes comfortable
JOANNA M. WESTON. Married; has two cats, multiple spiders, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses.  Her middle-reader, ‘Those Blue Shoes’, published by Clarity House Press; and poetry, ‘A Summer Father’, published by Frontenac House of Calgary.  Her eBook,  ‘The Willow Tree Girl’ at her blog:  http://www.1960willowtree.wordpress.com/